Be Active in the Garden

Get started with Gardening!

How can gardening help?

Gardening is a way to be active by using your major muscle groups to weed, dig, plant, water, and mow.

It’s also a mindful practice, connecting you to nature through the repetitive use of your hands - an all round mental and physical workout for your wellbeing! 

To get started, you don’t need a large garden space, in fact, a mini-greenhouse, a windowsill, or even a bright space in your room will enable you to start your gardening journey.  

You may want to consider growing house plants, such as cactus and succulents, or outdoor plants, such as flowers and trees.

You could do your bit for the environment and start a bee garden - or cut down costs and grow your own vegetables.

The opportunities are endless and there’s nothing better than nurturing and growing something from scratch! 

Gardening Tips and Tricks


Use YouTube tutorials to help you develop new gardening techniques and an understanding of the plants you’ve chosen to grow. You can find examples of useful tutorials below.

Plan your space

Assess the space you have to work with. Is it indoors or outside, large or small? Is it north or south facing? At what time of day does it get the most sunlight? Are there any shaded areas?

Plan your time

Check the weather and make plans for a day of gardening, then throw on your comfy scruffs and get your hands dirty! If you are using an indoor space - weather won't be an issue!


Get into a gardening routine! Make time for yourself to nurture your garden as it grows and don’t forget to take photographs of your progress. Set alarms to water your plants if necessary!

Think about your space

Think about what you’d like to do with the space and what is feasible, and then draw out your plans. Do you want to create a veg patch? Do you want to grow a bonsai nursery? Be creative! There are many methods for space-saving mini-gardens, you can find inspiration below!

Find your supplies!

Make a list of the supplies you’ll need and find creative ways to gather them. Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree offer plenty of gardening freebies, from
seeds, soil, cuttings, and tools. It’s also worth putting a post on social media to see if friends can lend you any gardening supplies.

Want some more inspiration?