Be Active

The small changes really make the difference to your wellbeing.

Being active is beneficial for our mind and body! 



How can I increase my activity?

If you want to become more active, always start small and gradually build up your exercise regime over time, this will be the most manageable option for you to be able to keep up this habit. Go for a walk outside in nature, meet up with friends, take your bike instead of the bus, or try a short beginner’s exercise video on YouTube. YouTube has a variety of workout videos for you to follow along from the comfort of your own home, plus, it's completely free!

Ways of moving more

Option 1

Option 1

Replace half an hour of your time watching TV, scrolling through socials, or playing video games - and instead use this as half an hour of exercise!

Option 2

Option 2

Plan 2 hours of your week to dedicate to exercise, this can help begin to build a routine for yourself with exercise at the core. Consider when you might have the most time and energy in your week.

Five Ways to Wellbeing

Watch the video below to learn about different ways you can improve your wellbeing.