Colour Therapy

In colour therapy, red can be used as a way to energise you when you are tired. It can be a helpful stimulant but may also cause some people to feel tense.

In ancient Indian traditions, red is the symbol of the root chakra, otherwise known as the base chakra. It is the colour that keeps us grounded and connected to the earth.

In colour therapy, orange is used in a similar manner to yellow. It can increase joyous feelings and improve mental activity.

In ancient Indian traditions, orange is the colour of the sacral chakra responsible for our emotive responses and creativity.

In colour therapy, green is seen as a colour directly associated with the calming and harmonious effects of nature. It is used to aid relaxation.

In colour therapy, yellow is used to increase happiness and inspire positive feelings.

In ancient Indian traditions, yellow represents the solar plexus chakra, which is linked to our self-confidence, self-worth, and personal power.

In colour therapy, green is seen as a colour directly associated with the calming and harmonious effects of nature. It is used to aid relaxation.

In ancient Indian traditions, green is linked to the heart chakra, kindness, love, and harmony.

In colour therapy, blue can be used to relax, calm, and heal people. It is also seen as a useful colour in supporting communication.

This is similar in ancient Indian traditions, as the throat chakra is also represented by the colour blue and is typically associated with communication and expression.

In colour therapy, indigo can be used to improve intuition, to relax, and to drive away uncertainties and lack of self-confidence.

This is similar in ancient Indian traditions, as indigo represents the third eye chakra (the all seeing eye), also known for its links to intuition.

In colour therapy, purple is used to relax, heal, and inspire openness and creativity. It is often seen as a spiritual colour.

In ancient Indian traditions, purple or violet are the colours of the crown chakra, which act as our gateway to the spiritual realm.

Now that you have a better understanding of colour, you may want to get creative with
using it in new and exciting ways!

You could try:

  • letting colour guide your clothing choices
  • trying a new colour in your wardrobe
  • visualising specific colours in a meditation
  • writing in different colours
  • painting your bedroom
  • changing the colour of your bedsheets
  • colouring, painting, or drawing
  • using colour as inspiration for writing music, poetry, or scripts
  • changing the colour of your room lights using lighting gel sheets
  • experimenting with different coloured bath bombs in your evening pamper routine
  • collecting items of different colours to display in your room - some people like to begin a small crystal collection!
  • baking using different coloured sprinkles and food colouring
  • keeping a colour journal, documenting your experiences with different colours in nature.