What is Creativity?

Creativity inspires resourcefulness and strengthens our intuition, leading us to think outside of the box and adapt to changes in new and exciting ways. Being creative individual is also an excellent way of boosting dopamine in the brain, which helps you to feel pleasure. It also positively impacts your ability to focus, plan, and thrive in learning environments.

Creative activities, such as crafting, writing music, or making art, increase concentration and calmness in a similar manner to meditation. So, working creatively can positively boost our mental wellbeing - who doesn't want that?!

The Wellbeing Toolkit features a number of activities to inspire your creativity and mindfulness, helping you to remain focused on the task at hand without the distraction of outside influences. If at any point, your mind starts to wander, take a deep breath, release your thoughts, and return to your creative activity. The following activities will engage your senses, helping you to feel more in touch with who you are and what you feel. This heightened self-awareness improves our resilience and wellbeing, as you now know if you have been working through the Toolkit.


inspire your creative use of colours, shades, tones, textures, structures, and shapes.


can support the creative process of music or poetry. It can also act as inspiration for visually creative activities, such as filmmaking and creating art.


can keep you in contact with your creative activity as you feel different textures or weights of the materials you use.


is a very useful senses when you creative activity involves cooking, baking, or essential oils. Taste is equally important to smell when you work creatively in the kitchen!

When you feel you have found a creative activity that truly aligns with your personality, your creative flow will help you to feel more present in yourself, which is time well spent!


And so begins your journey into creative practice!