< Activities to support Service children Projects

Throughout November and December 2021, LiNCHigher, the Uni Connect partnership in Lincolnshire, developed and delivered an online Thriving Lives CPD Series for school or college staff and professionals working with young people from Armed Forces families. 

Attendees were invited to attend a series of six webinars, each delivered by a different specialist speaker experienced in either working with young people from Armed Forces backgrounds or for the wellbeing of children and young people. 

Following an interactive introductory session on the Thriving Lives Toolkit, delivered by Philip Dent and Kath Lawrence from the SCiP Alliance, remaining following sessions were focussed on topics including transition and wellbeing of young people, Service Pupil Premium and top tips and advice from a Careers Lead in a school with a high proportion of children from Armed Forces families. 

By participating in the series, attendees from over 40 schools, colleges and organisations working with young people from Armed Forces backgrounds were given the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding at a strategic level of the key issues affecting Service Children's outcomes and wellbeing, reflect on their own practice and plan actions for their setting or organisation.

You can view all of the Thriving Lives webinar recordings by creating a free account on LiNCHigher Learning.