< Digital Resources Projects

The LiNCHigher Award was created as a way for students in Lincolnshire schools to demonstrate independent learning and a commitment to higher education in Years 10 and 11.

The award encouraged students to independently engage with material related to Higher Education and supported the NERUPI Framework and Gatsby 7 objectives. 

The award was designed as a sustainable part of the careers programme in school, that pupils predominantly work on independently. The only additional administration required from school was the collection of award booklets with a teacher signature and the distribution of certificates. 

The award ranked from bronze to gold, depending how much work a learner completed over the two years. Achieving the gold award culminated in drafting their personal statement.

The LiNCHigher Award was also suited to learners on Level 1 and 2 qualifications in Further Education.

Learners could create their ‘portfolio’ by attending talks and events in school or college, by completing online modules on LiNCHigher Learning, and by completing their own research.