< Resources for Schools and Colleges Projects

In 2022, we created and launched the Future Focus Programme, designed to inspire Key Stage 4 and 5 learners to raise their aspirations and develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage transitions into further and higher education, work and wider career opportunities.

There  are  currently 20  interactive  lessons in  the  Future  Focus  Programme, with 3 new topics available from September 2024,  all  of which come complete with lesson plans, learner activities and accompanying PowerPoints.

The lessons are aimed at Year 10 to Year 13 learners and have been designed to be delivered by the LiNCHigher team (subject to school status and availability) or directly by school staff. The lessons are designed for group delivery of up to 35 learners at a time and are available with  all  the  information school staff need to deliver with minimal preparation time.

Lesson topics include these and many more:

  • Post 16 & Post 18 Options
  • Understanding Labour Market Information
  • Study Skills
  • Interviewing Well
  • Personal Statements
  • Career Management using social media
  • Apprenticeships & Degree Apprenticeships
  • T-Levels
  • Studying Abroad

For more information on the Future Focus Programme, please contact a member of the team at linchigher@bishopg.ac.uk