David Hyner Motivational Series
A funny, challenging, and interactive motivational speaker and facilitator.

Course content
Click on any of the course content sections below to start at any point in this course.
What is Success?
David talks about the measurement of success.
Social Media
David talks about social media use when looking for a job
Personal Standards
In this short video, David talks about your personal standards, watch the video to find out more.
Massive Goals
In this session, David encourages you to think about goal setting.
Fake Friends
In this session, David encourages you to look at the people in your life and think about how you act around them.
Empty head
In this session, David talks about how we acquire and use knowledge.
Don't Look Up
In this session, David encourages you not just to look up to people but to look at what makes them successful.
Be More Rhino
In this session, David compares the characteristics of a cow and a rhino - which one are you?
A Third of One Percent
Could you improve your productivity with this tip from David?
The 5/95 Rule
David gives you a handy tip in this motivational session.