Week 29

Look After Yourself!

Look after yourself. Now that it’s the start of spring, the evenings are getting lighter and the temperature is warming up, it’s time to think about getting out for some exercise.

weeks To
Higher Education

There is evidence that physical activity can help improve academic achievement, this is because when you exercise, the flow of oxygen to the brain is increased and the number of brain neurotransmitters is increased, which helps your ability to focus, concentrate, learn, remember and handle stress.

So now’s a good time to set some goals around exercise.

No matter what your ability, make sure you set goals that will push you. So whether you decide to train for a 10km run, or you just make a decision to get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of your journey to college or 6th form, build something into you routine that will bet the oxygen flowing to your brain.


The NHS have come up with some simple ways to be more active including:

  • walk or ride part of your journey to work or the shops
  • go for a walk or a ride with your friend rather than meeting for coffee
  • exercise before or after school or college, or even during your lunch break
  • Help out with the gardening as lots of gardening can provide a good workout
  • exercise in front of the TV
  • try an online video workout


Tasks for this week

See how many of these you can build into your routine. A good tip is to keep a record or journal of your activity. This way you can compare your weekly activity and try to push yourself to do a little bit more each week.

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