Week 51
Part-time work
As long as it doesn’t take up too much study time, finding a part-time job is a great way to gain work experience, and confidence and earn some money!
Higher Education
When looking for a job, it's best to start your search as early as possible. You might not get a job straight away, so don't wait until you actually need to start working to begin sending your applications. Everyone will be looking for part-time work during freshers' week, so, it's a good idea to get ahead of the game!
A good starting point is by researching the area around your university to see what types of businesses are around. Think about the kind of hours you'll be wanting to work and look for something flexible, that can be scheduled around your timetable. Most courses would recommend working less than 15 hours a week so you have balance. If you have definite career plans, you may be able to find part-time work that is directly relevant. Otherwise, you can gain a variety of transferable skills through any temporary job.
Regardless of the type of job you're applying for, you'll need a great CV to make you stand out from other applicants! It's a good idea to keep a copy of your standard CV, and then adapt it for each application. For example, if a job advert specifically asks for communication and organisational skills, make sure your CV clearly shows that you have these qualities.
It is important to remember that your studies should be your priority, if you feel you don't have enough time for your university work, then try to speak to your employer about reducing your hours or find somewhere that can be more flexible around your studies!
Tasks for this week
This week your task is to update your CV and scout out the local area for part-time work, ready for when you move. We've linked our 'How to write a CV' guide if you haven't written one before- just click here!