Week 48


Starting university is a really exciting experience, but it can also bring its own unique challenges. It’s normal to feel nervous or overwhelmed about the change, and it can be a while before you feel like you’ve found your feet at university.

weeks To
Higher Education

Starting a new venture away from all your home comforts and friends can feel daunting. It is important to know that this is normal, and everyone will experience this anxiety.

In your life Post-18, there will be lots of new experiences, it is, therefore, important to look after your health and wellbeing. We have spoken about some of the things which may be a big adjustment for you, so what should you do if you start to struggle? Always speak to your friends and family, they know you best and so they might be able to tell you the best ways to help your situation. Remember to seek support at student services at your institution, this can also be important to ensure that you are supported with your workload and you can get extensions on your deadlines if necessary. 

Check out our transition page for further support here.

Tasks for this week

For this week's task watch these wellbeing transition video for starting your new journey by clicking the links below: 



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